Post by bent8rover on Feb 20, 2017 12:50:17 GMT
[This thread previously achieved 52 pages ]Since Google Streetview went online, it's become possible to spot some interesting old motors from the comfort of your own home... Are there any classics near where you are, or have you seen anything interesting while snooping, sorry, exploring your local habitat? Or how about further afield? [Please remove addresses from posts if possible, etc]Some cars from my neck of the woods : Further afield: Stripey Ital Spot! Stamford Bridge on the B4203
Post by penguin45 on Mar 1, 2017 18:12:51 GMT
A familiar sight down our street: And WifeBus as well. And I know the guy walking the dog. Nowt but a village round here. P45.
Post by Willy Eckerslyke on Mar 13, 2017 15:57:52 GMT
Riley RM, Fordson Major and Morris 1000 on Anglesey.
Post by Willy Eckerslyke on Mar 13, 2017 16:11:39 GMT
Spitfire and Series II Land Rover on Anglesey
Post by Willy Eckerslyke on Mar 13, 2017 16:23:31 GMT
Lightweight (Air Portable to give it its correct title) Land Rover, David Brown tractor, PT Cruiser, Bitsa Land Rover Series.
Post by zeebra on Sept 1, 2017 13:37:01 GMT
Post by Willy Eckerslyke on Sept 1, 2017 14:37:42 GMT
Post by genegenie on Sept 20, 2017 20:21:45 GMT
These have been there for years.... www.instantstreetview.com/@51.890765,-0.498641,122.89h,-1.11p,1.33z HC Viva is a now rare 1800L and has been untaxed since 1988. Where the MK2 Astra is, a C reg Cavalier MK2 used to be, but that's gone.
Post by chris1850 on Sept 20, 2017 21:19:59 GMT
www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.7790915,-1.5071447,3a,37.3y,275.74h,89.71t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sZan1KLnw65CvohM3T2iiGA!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo3.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DZan1KLnw65CvohM3T2iiGA%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dsearch.TACTILE.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D96%26h%3D64%26yaw%3D335.1129%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en Copy/paste the whole lot into address bar otherwise it won't work! (!) Not there now, I sold it in 2011 (presumably that's when the SORN stopped, hence the "odd" dates for lack of tax and MoT) but it still exists in the DVLA system.
Post by zeebra on Nov 21, 2017 16:24:53 GMT
Just found that Malta is on Streetview which is gonna be a fertile hunting ground. Lets start with a mid series PA and a what is it?
Post by zeebra on Nov 21, 2017 16:49:52 GMT
Simca Aronde IIRC
Post by genegenie on Nov 21, 2017 18:57:48 GMT
Lovely! The red car is a Singer 1500 roadster I believe, still made in the early 50's. The black Simca is a Versailles I believe, the Aronde was smaller.
Post by zeebra on Nov 22, 2017 16:59:30 GMT
Couple more A Datsun or Toyota and another, Datsun is it?
Post by zeebra on Nov 23, 2017 17:43:04 GMT
Post by genegenie on Nov 26, 2017 17:12:34 GMT
Cool! The upper pictures, the car with the twin headlamps is a late 60's Toyota Crown with a F11 Datsun 100A 4 door saloon below that. Cool Morris LD Ice cream van! The truck with a cover over the cab is probably an old Bedford J type, a few about, when I visited Malta in 2002.